Huila Top Quality Coffee Event

| August 6, 2014

Yes, back to Colombia again after my stay in Guatemala last week, this time, smack into a great Coffee Event and quality competition by MCCH in Neiva/Huila.

“Primer Encuentro Internacional de Cafeicultura Sostenible and Primer Concurso de Cafes De Alta Calidad , 1 de Agosto , 2014“

This meeting aggregated producers from the entire Huila and Sur Tolima Regions with over 1000 attendees, 20 presentations and various panels between Roasters, Importers and Producers.

MCCH sponsored the event in collaboration with the local Government, University, Associations, NGO’s and diverse related private entities.

huila-2014-08-01-coffee-event_01The event featured various presentations and within these, presentations by Professor Flavio Meira Borem – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Vanusia Nogueira E.D. – BSCA and Myself, CBW – Wolthers Douqué USA.

Another highlight of the event was in fact the quality competition where 250 lots were cupped, reduced to 25 finalists and thereafter reduced again to the 10 very best coffees from both Regions.

I had the chance to cup the ten highest scoring lots, “Outstanding Coffees!”

These ten final lots will be marketed on a special format making it possible for our interested clients to receive samples and the marketing material regarding each producer.

We will inform all details of these finalist lots soon.

The harvest is now into a stronger pace in the Huila and Tolima Regions; this will promote the flow of excellent Excelso and Supremo preparations for delivery for the coming 6 months.

Colombia is definitely an important origin to partner with when looking into the near future; its increasing yields of top Washed Arabica beans are welcome in the expected scenario of rather tight global supply.

Call us for forward offers/deliveries on the Huila and Tolima preparations.

Update in August, 27, 2014: Huila and Tolima first outstanding micro lots are available from Wolther Douqué right now! Click here to know more!


Category: Archives, Industry News