RSSIndustry News

Ugandan Coffees Cupping Experience

Ugandan Coffees Cupping Experience

| July 12, 2024 | 0 Comments

Last week right after World of Coffee Copenhagen, I had the honour to cup among some powerful women in the Embassy of Uganda in Denmark. Ambassador H.E. Margaret M. Otteskov and Ambassador H.E. Signe Winding Albjerg together with UCDA-Uganda Coffee Development Authority, united the finest of Ugandan coffees in a very educational cupping experience. Interesting […]

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Brazil FOB weekly Price Report by Wolthers Associates Santos for July, 8th, 2024

Brazil FOB weekly Price Report by Wolthers Associates Santos for July, 8th, 2024

Wolthers Associates Santos updated their weekly Price Report, and you can see it here.

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Red Container/Anike Wolthers report on Brazil Conilon early harvest situation

Red Container/Anike Wolthers report on Brazil Conilon early harvest situation

Conilon Coffee Immersion. By: Anike Ejlers Wolthers aka Red Container Coffee Good Monday coffee friends. Last week May 05-10, 2024 I had the privilege of touring around the breathtaking state of Espirito Santo to learn and source some conilon coffees. From main cooperative with record volume to small, medium and large single estates, conventional, organic, […]

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Brazilian Harvest Update

Brazilian Harvest Update

| August 14, 2019 | 0 Comments

Back again to Mid-August, the frost season is over with almost no damage and the Brazilian harvest is 70% done, its balance seems guaranteed to flow with suitable logistics and hopefully, good weather conditions. The general outlook from the different producing areas in Brazil, is that pre harvest expectations have suffered a 5% to 10% […]

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Colombia Report 2019

Colombia Report 2019

| June 26, 2019 | 0 Comments

Good day Friends and Clients, After a week in Central and Southern Colombia, meeting with various Organizations, Exporters, Coops and Producer Associations, we can report that both quality and availability seem secure out of Colombia for this coming main crop. The rains have extended into the Colombian Summer and promoted a very sound and plentiful […]

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Brazil Harvest Report

Brazil Harvest Report

| June 18, 2019 | 0 Comments

Good day clients and friends, Although the Brazilian harvest started quite early this year, (“late April” in the Mogiana and some parts of South Minas) the percentage harvested up to now is still small. The main reasons were the unstable weather with consistent rain periods up to a week ago and the very uneven maturation. […]

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Colombia Report

Colombia Report

| June 10, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear clients and friends, From our associated office in Buenaventura – Colombia, some news on the current Colombian green coffee scenario: Main crop 2019: Volume During the month of April, the coffee production in Colombia was of 1,03 million bags/green of 70 Kilograms. The Jan – April/19 total production was of 4,34 million bags green, […]

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Watch the Cerrado Harvest Live!

Watch the Cerrado Harvest Live!

Fazenda São Matheus in the Cerrado region has now begun their harvest and their enormous drying patios are nearly full! Our user-interactive system allows any user to vote for the camera’s next position, choosing from over a dozen presets such as “Drying Patio” and “Mill”. For a live look at São Matheus farm in Cerrado, […]

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Wolthers Douqué features Wolthers & Associates report on New Crop Maturation

Wolthers Douqué features Wolthers & Associates report on New Crop Maturation

Today, besides our usual price report from our exporters, we would like to tell you a bit about the maturation differences of this coming crop 19/20. It started with substantial climatic issues caused by lack of rain during the flowering and part of the maturation period. This condition made it difficult for the flowering fixations, […]

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Enter The Farm!

Enter The Farm!

Welcome to a new degree of transparency and traceability! Introducing our Coffee Live system, where consumers have the opportunity to look around coffee farms at a distance 24 hours a day in real time – with full HD video, optical zoom and a 360 degree range. Keep up with this year’s harvest as the producer’s […]

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