Colombia Cauca Micro lots on the way!
Wolthers Douque is importing 4 of the top scoring Micro Lots from the Valle Caffettero 2015 (lots listed below), these will arrive late October.
Call for samples and prices, meanwhile see the videos below of the different event moments:
A summary video of the 11o. Concurso de Calidad de Café-Valle del Cauca, 2015 event.
The auction
Lots Available Starting Late October
-Rank #2 from producer Neftali Fernandez Gomez SCAA score 87.60 from Cafioccidente
-Rank #4 from the producer Jose Wilton Giraldo with a SCAA score 87.23, from Tuluá.
-Rank #9 producer Liano Grande, SCAA score 86.52 from Aguida.
-Rank #12 Maria Esperanza Fajardo Pulido SCAA core 86.35 from Caicedonia.