Life’s Container: Coffee, Tradition and Surf

| May 9, 2017

Life’s container. Great title! I am happy to be part of such a progressive mag.


Thank you Kate Johnson Antoñana for seeing me and registering this phase, it truly means a lot to me.
For all that like a good read, check this out of the box magazine.

Visit the Magazine’s Website:

Take a Look at the Article Published below.

Click on the pages to see a larger version.

A big thanks to the Wolthers Douqué Green Coffee Importers team whom I learn from every day and that are also responsible for the RAD container lab; Alan Odom, Joe Colaciello, Roberta Vieira, Curtis Ball, Peter Kettler, Patricia Abrahão, Andrea Landau. I love working with you guys.

Thank you, Atelier WoodWorks for the amazing job building the vision.

Last but never least, thank you Christian Bendz Wolthers.


Anike Ejlers Wolthers


Category: Archives, Articles

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