Alexandre Pikelhaizen

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Alexandre Pikelhaizen's Latest Posts

Colombia Report

Colombia Report

| June 10, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear clients and friends, From our associated office in Buenaventura – Colombia, some news on the current Colombian green coffee scenario: Main crop 2019: Volume During the month of April, the coffee production in Colombia was of 1,03 million bags/green of 70 Kilograms. The Jan – April/19 total production was of 4,34 million bags green, […]

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Watch the Cerrado Harvest Live!

Watch the Cerrado Harvest Live!

Fazenda São Matheus in the Cerrado region has now begun their harvest and their enormous drying patios are nearly full! Our user-interactive system allows any user to vote for the camera’s next position, choosing from over a dozen presets such as “Drying Patio” and “Mill”. For a live look at São Matheus farm in Cerrado, […]

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Wolthers Douqué features Wolthers & Associates report on New Crop Maturation

Wolthers Douqué features Wolthers & Associates report on New Crop Maturation

Today, besides our usual price report from our exporters, we would like to tell you a bit about the maturation differences of this coming crop 19/20. It started with substantial climatic issues caused by lack of rain during the flowering and part of the maturation period. This condition made it difficult for the flowering fixations, […]

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Enter The Farm!

Enter The Farm!

Welcome to a new degree of transparency and traceability! Introducing our Coffee Live system, where consumers have the opportunity to look around coffee farms at a distance 24 hours a day in real time – with full HD video, optical zoom and a 360 degree range. Keep up with this year’s harvest as the producer’s […]

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Welcome to the SCA Boston Conference and Exhibit this week, April 11 – 14!

Welcome to the SCA Boston Conference and Exhibit this week, April 11 – 14!

| April 9, 2019 | 0 Comments

This year, Wolthers Douque is back at booth # 1460 representing many of our suppliers and programs. We are showcasing promotional material, samples, videos and live cameras, as well as the presence of many of our suppliers: MINASUL USA, Brazil CADEFIHUILA, Colombia NuCoffee, Brazil Wolthers & Associates, Brazil/Colombia/Guatemala Red Container, USA Mullege, Ethiopia And the […]

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Wolthers Douqué is proud to present Minasul Coop in Varginha, Brazil

Wolthers Douqué is proud to present Minasul Coop in Varginha, Brazil

| February 6, 2019 | 0 Comments

WD and Minasul Coop have engaged in the Minasul USA project where green coffees from the South of Minas Gerais and other Regions will be available in various US ports. Samples and pricing are available by request, please see our Offer List below and contact us for further information. Click Here to Download the PDF […]

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Brazil Green Coffee Reports 2018/19 and 2019/20 Crops

Brazil Green Coffee Reports 2018/19 and 2019/20 Crops

| January 24, 2019 | 0 Comments

From Brazil, Christian Wolthers reports on the current state regarding the inventories and expectations for the next crop: Touring the Arabica belt for the last two (2) weeks, it is evident that the plantations are in very good health and relatively well loaded for the 2019-2020 crop to start late May 2019. The weather has […]

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Happy Holidays from Wolthers Douque

Happy Holidays from Wolthers Douque

| December 21, 2018 | 0 Comments

We wish you a Merry Holiday Season Thanks for your support and friendship Greetings from Florida with a picture of our Christmas Trees Wolthers Douqué

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Colombian Crop Report – Summer 2017

Colombian Crop Report – Summer 2017

| June 12, 2017 | 0 Comments

Rain and more rain have been the case throughout the Colombian coffee producing areas, this has had an impact in the emmediate and near future coffee output expectations. The fly crop is at least one month delayed and will probably take another 30 days before any new crop can be shipped, this is said to […]

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Life’s Container: Coffee, Tradition and Surf

Life’s Container: Coffee, Tradition and Surf

Life’s container. Great title! I am happy to be part of such a progressive mag. FACE THE CURRENT – Thank you. Thank you Kate Johnson Antoñana for seeing me and registering this phase, it truly means a lot to me. For all that like a good read, check this out of the box magazine. Visit […]

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